Leak and Seal Inspection
Package Leak Detector Systems
Using a wide range of sensor and gauge technologies, package integrity testing equipment can determine the relative vacuum or pressure of a container to determine if there is a leak present. With a flexible design and minimal footprint, our inspections and seal testing systems can inspect flexible and rigid plastic, metal, and glass containers with minimal line alterations. Using one interface, multiple inspection sensors can be operated and maintained simultaneously, eliminating the need for multiple HMI controls.
Leak and Seal Inspection Applications
Prox Sensor/Dud Detector
Proximity technology measures pressure or vacuum in containers with metal closures by measuring the lid deflection. The sensor produces a continuous magnetic field that monitors the distance between the sensor and the metal lid. The continuous signal is digitally sampled to produce a merit value of the lid profile. The profile value is then compared to user set limits. Containers with lid deflection outside these limits are rejected.
Compression Sensor
Compression technology detects leaks in plastic containers. As a container passes through the system, dual parallel belts apply force to the sidewalls of the container. This action compresses the head space of the container, which allows a sensor to take a force measurement at the discharge of the system Utilizing DSP technology, the controller analyzes the measurement and assigns a merit value to each container. If the merit value is outside of the acceptable range, a reject signal activates a remote reject system.
Force Sensor
Force technology detects leaks and low pressure in LN2 dosed containers, carbonated beverage containers and aerosol containers. Parallel belts transport the container past a sensor that measures the tension on the sidewall of the container. This action allows the system to measure the pressure inside the container. Utilizing DSP technology, the controller analyzes the measurement and assigns a merit value to each container. If the merit value is outside of the acceptable range, a reject signal activates a remote reject system and the container is removed from the line.
Acoustic Sensor
Acoustic technology measures pressure or vacuum in containers with metal closures that do not have a measurable lid deflection. The sensor applies a “tap” to the top of each container lid using an electromagnetic pulse, exciting the closure. The lid vibrates at a natural resonant frequency “tone” based on internal pressure or vacuum. The resultant “tone” signal is sensed by a microphone. The Digital Signal Processor (DSP) produces a real-time signal spectrum and calculates the frequency of the “tone” for that lid which is then compared to user set limits. Containers with a frequency outside these limits are rejected.
Seal Integrity Tester
The patented TapTone Seal Integrity Tester (SIT) system consists of multiple sensors mounted inside the cup filling system that inspect each cup by compressing the sensor head to the foil lid of the cup at full production machine speeds (200ms and higher). The sensors monitor the lid deflection during the compression cycle and the digital signal processor board calculates the inspection merit values to accept or to reject containers with defective seals that fall outside user set merit value limits.